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Mikumi National Park

Destination Details

  • Title : Mikumi National Park
  • Category : Eastern Circuit
  • Area : 3,230 km²
  • Location : Morogoro Region
  • Activities : Game drives
    Walking safari
    Aerial safari


Mikumi National Park, situated in Morogoro area, in the South of Tanzania, is the most open park from Dar Es Salaam, the business capital of Tanzania. The park takes its name from the National language “Kiswahili” for the Borassus palms (Borassusflabellifer) which once developed there in bounty in the fields that encompass the stream Mkata. The park imparts one biological system to Selous, making animals like (elephants, bison, and Zebras) relocate to and from the northern piece of the save into the park. The open skylines and copious wildlife of the Mkata Floodplain, the well-known highlight of Mikumi, attract visit correlations with the more acclaimed Serengeti Plains.

Lions review their verdant kingdom – and the zebra, wildebeest, impala and bison groups that relocate crosswise over it – from the straightened highest points of termite hills, or here and there, during the downpours, from roosts high in the trees. Giraffes rummage in the confined acacia stands that periphery the Mkata River, islets of shade supported likewise by Mikumi’s elephants. Mismatched by a decent circuit of game-review streets, the Mkata Floodplain is maybe the most solid spot in Tanzania for sightings of the elusive eland, the world’s biggest antelope. The similarly noteworthy greater kudu and sable impala frequent the miombo-secured foothills of the mountains that ascent from the park’s fringes.

Scope of destination


Although less spectacular than some of the more illustrious Tanzanian National Parks, Mikumi still offers a good safari experience with typical flora and fauna of East Africa. There is a rich variety of bird species as well as large numbers of giraffes, buffaloes and elephants and close to the waterholes lions, leopards and hippos. Furthermore you can see zebras, wild dogs, pythons, hartebeest, wildebeest, elephants, impala, warthog, eland and other antelope. Several observation towers enable you to view the park in its entirety.

When to Visit

Mikumi experience uniform conditions as a result of its equatorial area. The months of the Dry season (June to October) are among the coolest. This is especially valid for the higher elevations, in spite of the fact that these are for the most part distant to travelers. The Wet season (November to May) is muggy and hot, particularly in the end a long time of the year.