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Take trip back in time with the Hadzabe tribe of hunter gatherers that rely on a bow and arrow



Bird watchers paradise,

Hunting with the Hadzabe Bushmen,

Hiking whole day or half a day

Lake Eyasi is one of the Great Rift Valley’s many soda lakes found in the southwest corner of the Ngorongoro Crater and at the base of the Serengeti Plateau. The lake is in a dry and warm area and has an almost tropical climate with palm trees which is quite different from Ngorongoro and Serengeti that are close by.

The number of animals is limited beyond the bird life. The water level in the lake varies greatly depending on the season and rainfall making the lake a seasonal stop for Migrating Flamingos. There are still a few different tribes living ina traditional way in this area. These tribes and their way of living are among the greatest attraction while visiting Lake Eyasi. You will get to spend time with them, experience and engage in their ways of life. Giving you sense that of travelling back in time to a few centuries when cities weren’t the heart of civilization.

The Hadzabe bushmen are one of the tribes living here by the lake. These foragers are believed to be the last hunter-community on this earth and they have lived in the area for more than 10,000 years. The men continue to hunt with bow and arrow and the women gather roots, fruits and berries. They have cabins, but these are mostly used only during the rainy season or else you sleep around the fire. Their language is reminiscent to the one spoken by the Kalahari Bushmen and pronunciation is with clicks of the tongue ( just like in the 1980’s movie, the gods must be crazy). This language can be traced back to the first language of men.


A visit with the Hadzabe bushmen is worthwhile and they will graciously show you where and how they live and hunt. You’ll be amazed with how they live entirely off the bush by hunting with a bow. Everything they use is sourced from local materials, this including their bows which are strung with giraffe tendon and their arrows which are coated in lethal poison.


The Datoga is another one of this tribes that live here, they are herders whose way of life is a bit similar to the Masai but with the added activity of growing crops and cultivating the earth.


There is also an archeological site that is located by the shores of Lake Eyasi called Mumba Cave. This site has yielded a number of artifacts that were dated into The Middle Stone Age and Late Stone Age periods. The palm trees region is suitable for exploration by foot and explorers are recommended to hike for a whole day or half a day.


A visit to Lake Eyasi is mostly combined with other close by destinations such as Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Manyara and or lake natron while on safari.