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Arusha National Park

Destination Details

  • Title : Arusha National Park
  • Category : Nothern Circuit
  • Area : 137 km²
  • Location : Arusha Region
  • Activities : Bird watching
    Exciting walking safaris
    balloon ride in the Serengeti


The Park is nested on the foothills of Mount Meru, the Africa’s most beautiful volcanoes and fifth highest peak. Only 45 minutes’ drive from Arusha City centre, one find this beautifully Park. Mount Meru make an ideal high-altitude acclimatization warm up before conquering the Kili. The Park offer way too much attractions compared to its area The unforgiving landscapes of Mount Meru and Ash cone, scenic view of Momella Lakes, tropical forest glades,Ngurdoto Crater are just a few

Visitors to this Park will have opportunities to do game viewing ,ride a horse ,climb the mount Meru as well as do organized walks with a ranger!

Scope of destination


The Park contains a diverse resident population of herbivores, primates and predators including black and white colobus monkeys, baboons, elephants, giraffes, buffalos, hippos, leopards, hyenas, waterbucks, warthogs and a wide range of antelope species. No lions in the park although you can see leopards if you are lucky.
If you wish to walk on the Mount Meru (4566 m) sector of the park through a variety of landscapes, plains, forest moorlands, and a lava desert, it is compulsory to be accompanied by an armed game warden because the wild animals. From the summit of Mount Meru you will have an impressive view of the crater and of the eruption cone 3000 meters below .
Arusha National Park is famous for its 400 species of bird life, both migrant and resident such as red sharks, hamerkops, spurwinged gooses, herons, woodpeckers, grey parrots, secretary birds and many more. The Momela Lakes offer plenty of bird watching opportunities.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Arusha National Park is from June to October, during the dry season. It is easier to spot the wildlife – since they normally gather around the waterholes, rainfall is minimal, vegetation is not too thick and mosquitos levels are reduced. However, when you’re visiting make sure you carry warm clothes for the morning game drives, since the early mornings of June all through August are cold. From November to December and March through May – the rains transform the landscape as lush, green grasses emerge and this is also the best time to witness the migratory birds.