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Serengeti National Park

Destination Details

  • Title : Serengeti National Park
  • Category : Nothern Circuit
  • Area : 14,750 km2 (5,700 sq mi)
  • Location : Arusha, Mara and Simiyu regions
  • Activities : Bird watching
    Exciting walking safaris
    balloon ride in the Serengeti


The Serengeti National park is African Paradise and one of the seven natural wonders of The Africa and World. World heritage site, Man and Biosphere ReserveVisiting the park will reward you and breathtaking for its unique biodiversity and physical features from plains to rolling hills, valleys and mountains.

The wildebeest migration, like a discernible thread, embraces and connects the Serengeti’s ecosystem much as it has done for at least two millions years. Every year, with some seasonally dictated variations in timing and scale, one million wildebeest leave the southern Serengeti’s short grass plains in search of the grass and water they need to survive. During their annual pilgrimage they will travel some 2.000 miles devouring 4.000 tonnes of grass a day. A quarter of a million will be born, many will die.

Scope of destination


The Serengeti boasts large herds of antelope including Patterson’s eland, klipspringer,dikdik, Zebra, gazelles, lion, impala, leopard, cheetah, hyena and other larger mammals like the rhino, giraffe, elephant and hippopotamus. Nearly 500 species of birds have been recorded in the park. The Serengeti is an opportunity for one of the best game-viewing in Africa.

When to Visit

The Serengeti’s climate is warm and dry. The tropical rainy season is from March to May, with short rains from October to November. The Serengeti is lush and green after the rains, but a steady drying up follows which inhibits plant growth and encourages the animals to migrate in search of waters.
With altitudes ranging from 920 to 1,830 metres average temperatures vary from 15 degrees to 26 degrees Celsius. The coldest temperatures are experienced from June to October.